A Stroller Story: Disneyworld with Kids!
Before navigating the maps, the lines, the fast passes, and eventually the magic, you have to actually make it “in” the park first. No one ever thinks about that part, including me! You can find any article out there that talks about how to get around the park and what to do, but you’ve got to get yourself and all your kids through the parking lot first! And more precisely what has to stay in the parking lot!
So before you end up hauling your kids around the park in your arms like me, keep on reading!
If you’ve been following for any amount of time, you know we are Disney fans. We’ve been going one or more times a year for the past 15 years. But going with babies, children under 2, or even older kids make it a completely different experience. Our boys were able to sit up and look around so we wanted them to take it all in on their first trip. We thought bringing our little red wagon would be a great way to bring all the baby stuff and keep them contained. Unfortunately we learned from a good samaritan in the parking lot that wagons aren’t allowed!! That was our whole gameplan!! The only good part was we didn’t trek all the way to the entrance to be turned away at the gate.
So here we stand with our mouths agape staring at our predicament in the hot hot sun with two sweaty babies attached to us. What choice do we have but stuff the most important things into a backpack, and start carrying it all in hand?! Halfway through the lot we found an abandoned wheelchair, and snatched it up! Normally yes, there is a tram, but we parked up close so you are supposed to walk in at that point. But with our heavy load it seemed like an insurmountable task! But that wheelchair saved us, and I rode with the babes while my husband pushed us. What a sight!
How lucky there was a Disney stroller for us to rent at the gate. We got just one double wide for $31 instead of two singles for $15. If you’d like to plan on renting at the gate, check out the Disney stroller rental sight here. Just keep your receipt and ticket because if it gets lost or taken, the stroller can be replaced no charge! In times since this, we’ve used our own stroller and liked that a lot better. But like I said before, we were in dire straights! P.S. one thing we managed to stuff in our pack were the two battery operated fans you can see clipped to the top. I would put those under the “essential items” category. You can face some stifling heat depending on which month you visit, but these keep your children cool and happy. And everything’s better when babies aren’t screaming even if you are a pool of sweat yourself!
So if you’re still caught up on the fact you can’t take a wagon into Disney World, here’s a general guideline: Any trailer or vehicle that you have to pull is not allowed. I’m not entirely sure why, but I bet a safety issue is behind it. Click here for a full list of prohibited items. Read it so you can prepare even before you get to the parking lot! And if you forget, leave it in the car when you arrive.
So here are the lessons learned 1) Disney is different with kids even if you’ve been a thousand times. There’s new rules to learn! 2) Don’t bring a wagon lol 3) Bring your own stroller. Number Three is obviously my personal opinion. It all depends on you and your child. You can always rent one at the gate to use, but having tried both, I liked using our own. It’s more comfortable, you know how to work it, it holds all your stuff, and naps like these are possible!! So the possibilities are endless, just don’t get blind sighted like we did! 🙂