Home page

Welcome! Thanks for joining the journey!

I finally caved and started a blog.  Mainly because I take waayyy too many pictures and can’t decide which to share and which to not, so I’m putting them here!  The boys and I go on a lot of day trips around our city plus a few destination trips here and there.  This is not because I’m particularly adventurous, but because they complain a lot less when we’re out and about than in the house!! With any luck, it might spark an idea for you to find a similar activity locally!

Additionally, we’ve tried out a lot of great products, and most are worth sharing.  With two little guys, I don’t like to waste time purchasing bad products especially when I have to buy two at a time!! If anyone can learn from my mistakes and skip right to the good stuff then it’s worth it.  Take a peek around, and maybe you’ll find something you like!
